Wednesday, June 26, 2013

mahalnya nilai seorang UKHTI

guess what will be written to my post? YES, its all about love. ceewaah. hahahaha. 

today, we are having a good dinner with my family + grandma from father's side. while eating vigorously, i saw a very handsome man, and yet i'm saying,' wow, he's very nice'. hahaha. after a while, that man came to our table and spoke to my dad, and suprisingly, he was an engineer at father's place. but, when reaching home, i saw a post from one of the anonymous-es , wrote a post about SINGLE. haha. yes, and it came across my mind to share with you guys, if u are SINGLE, then, read this ukhti. if u are not, u can neglect this post, or grab some points positively :) hehehehe

that anonymous quoted a phrase where : 
' Masih single? Ada 2 sebab mengapa anda masih single.

1. Kerana anda memiliki hati yg bersih, jadi ALLAH tidak mahu anda dikecewakan sesiapa. Maka Dia membiarkan anda sendirian sehingga anda bertemu insan yg benar-benar sesuai.

2. Kerana anda memiliki hati yg tidak bersih, jadi ALLAH tidak mahu anda mengecewakan sesiapa. Maka dia sengaja membiarkan anda sendirian sehingga anda benar-benar menyucikan hati anda. '

THANKS A LOT ANONYMOUS-ES , a good reminder from Allah, SENT, when i was in a situation 'ntah ape2'. hahaha.
till see you again =)

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