Saturday, November 13, 2010

DonT bE SaD mY FriEnds

tgh2 ak dengar lagu maher zain ni kan..nak2 lagu FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE..ak nak sgt2 gtaw kat korg2 yg ngah putus cinta ni laa especially,jgn krana cnta yg semntara ini kita dah jd x tentu arah..korg kne kuatkan smgt korg,mgkin korg x dapat lg ngan ex korg sbb tade jodoh..n Allah knows better...kan kan kan??

mule2,ak nak masukkan laa lyrics FTRoML ni dulu..

I praise Allah for sending me you my love
You found me home and sail with me
And I`m here with you
Now let me let you know
You`ve opened my heart
I was always thinking that love was wrong
But everything was changed when you came along
And theres a couple words I want to say
For the rest of my life
I`ll be with you
I`ll stay by your side honest and true
Till the end of my time
I`ll be loving you. loving you
For the rest of my life
Thru days and night
I`ll thank Allah for open my eyes
Now and forever I I`ll be there for you
I know that deep in my heart
I feel so blessed when I think of you
And I ask Allah to bless all we do
You`re my wife and my friend and my strength
And I pray we`re together eternally
Now I find myself so strong
Everything changed when you came along
And theres a couple word I want to say
For the rest of my life
I`ll be with you
I`ll stay by your side honest and true
Till the end of my time
I`ll be loving you. loving you
For the rest of my life
Thru days and night
I`ll thank Allah for open my eyes
Now and forever I I`ll be there for you
I know that deep in my heart now that you`re here
Infront of me I strongly feel love
And I have no doubt
And I`m singing loud that I`ll love you eternally
For the rest of my life
I`ll be with you
I`ll stay by your side honest and true
Till the end of my time
I`ll be loving you.loving you
For the rest of my life
Thru days and night
I`ll thank Allah for open my eyes
Now and forever I I`ll be there for you
I know that deep in my heart..

from this lyrics,what i can conclude is..u have just to wait urs to come...takyahlaa nak frust mnonggeng sal laki or perempuan yg korg dah clash..dah xde maknenye lg dah...ape yg pentg,korg just berserah kpd Allah..kuatkan smgt korg ntuk trus keep alive lam hidup korg...

Follow your heart,
never surrender your dreams.
Constantly work towards your goals.
Believe in yourself, and always be truthful.
Take time to enjoy life's pleasures.
Keep your mind open to new experiences.
Think before acting,
but don't forget the joys of spontaneity.
Make your own decisions.
Look out for yourself, but remember
that you share this universe with others.
Look for the good in others,
everybody has their own song to sing.
Live each moment to the fullest,
for a moment too soon becomes a memory.
Look for opportunities, not guarantees.
Hope for the best.
Give people a chance to love you,
for that is how you learn to love.
Live your life for yourself,
but always be considerate of others.
Believe in tomorrow, for it holds the key
to your dreams.

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