Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Maldives, nice place to visit.

Alhamdulillah. the only word that could describe my feeling pleasure, where Allah has given me a chance to be there, in the year of 2012. having a research on Carbon Footprints, we have selected maldives to be our research place. however, this research turned up to be more less like vacation for us since we were really worked hard to run this project in malaysia.

Nice Memory to be one of Maldivian just for 14 days.

malaysia-sri lanka

arriving Sri Lanka

transit at in Sri Lanka for 8 hours-sightseeing d country

beautiful taste- Submarine by its name

'mandi minyak' bfore pray

otw to Male, Maldives

Masha-Allah, u could see amazing islands bfore u landed

another island of Maldives

again, another island

this is crystal clear water of the ocean where u could see nemos anywhere in it
arrived Male Airports
CO2 Footprint 2012


awesome sceenary of Hulhumale
sekadar hiasan
Male City
how clean!
easily met their President Office,located at male.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

It Is GooD to be Here!

Hai assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera kepada ssape je yg mmbace,.

entry ni khas ak buat untuk korg, bakal2 junior ak insya'Allah suatu hari nnt akn jd petroleum engineer. ataupun kepada sape2 yg sje nak bace untuk tahu cerita kami dgn lanjut. barangkali. hehehh.

kepada mereka yg tlah terpilih, CONGRATULATION I BET TO ALL OF U.
sbb telah dipilih menjadi salah seorg mahasiswa dan mahasiswi di utm.

ak pon mls nak story panjang. just nak bgtau siket2 yg korg nak kne tahu. haha. kelebihan korg dapat kos ni :

1- ko adalah diantara salah seorg pelajar 4 flat mase di matrik/foundation years korg dlu. sbb syarat nak masuk kos ni korg mestilah 4 RATA. nnt dah masuk jgn tnye result diorg mase spm dan sbgainya sbb nak tunjuk lagak, sbb mostly 75% dapat straight A's. haha. tapi, ade satu bad story yg salah seorg senior korg share. jap nak tunjuk caption :

2- senior2 ak ckp mase ktorg 1st yr dlu, nak masuk kos ni mestilah ade 'HATI KERING'. haha. korg takkan endah ape org ckp, sbb dalam industry smua korg akan dibahasakan dgn bahasa *^**^%$3@#$$!! jgn tkejut sudah. haha.

3- korang akan jumpa senior yg baik2 dan x sombong. sbb nnt percayalah ckp ak korg akan kenal smua senior2 korg dari 2nd year up to 4th yr sbb mereka smua ramah2. mcm ak. hahaha. korg punye senior dah xsabar nak smbut kehadiran korg tau, sbb ktorg dah plan 6 bulan bfore korg dtg sini. see ?

4- haha.lets move on. and, korg jgn cepat putus asa dlm kos ni sbb kos ni agak tough sket la. haha. smua kos tough2 belaja, tp kos ni akan ajar korg erti survive. sbb korg kne active society (society of petroleum engineers) SPE and blajar sama. dalam satu sem tu akn ade korg masuk at least 3 event. mana2 yg nak jd ulat buku tu, lupekan jela. ataupunnn..

5- lek lu..jgn laa cuak2 masuk kos ni..korg kne jd aktif je. dgn kos ni, korg dpt g macam2 negara since every year ade competition kat oversea.cthnya kat china,indonesia,atau korg g GOP programme kat aussie, us,cambodia,vietnam,indonesia, dsb.. haha. menarik kann?  jangan risau jgn risau..korg akan okey punyaaa! haha.

ni gambar ak ciplak drpd senior2 ak yg g sane sbg bukti mreka salu g oversea.

mereka di perth, aussie
mereka di vietnam

mereka di tembok besar china

best kan dapat g jalan2? haha.haruslah tepat korg masuk utm ni..

6- tension belajar merupakan salah satu hobi korg kat sane. hahaha.. sape2 yg suka tension tu, enjoy lah kat sane ye. yg xsuka tension, jgn gelabah dlu. haha. singapore ade, pantai2 ade, air terjun ade. so korg pilih la nak yg mane satu. kalau ktorg tensen, ktorg pegi mcm2 tempat stay up sampai melaka pon ade. haha. pandai2 nak hdup la kate org kan..

7- kat utm ade byk sgt cara korg nak enjoy life, itik2, rusa2, ikan2 kat tasik, kolam renang,stadium ade je untuk korg nak bersuka ria. asalkan jgn jd katak sudah la. duk bkurung dalam bilik je buat ape kannn? hehe. enjoy ur life.

taman negara endau rompin
ni cara kami g makan angin. haha
kami di Port Dickson
ni antara pbualan ak ngn salah sorg kwn ak..

kwn : korg salu g jalan sana sini. best giler jd korg
ak : kalau ktorg xg sana sini, jwbnye ktorg akan masuk hosp tanjung rambutan la kut sikit lg.
kwn : ohh. faham. gelak2.

haha. sebagai awards korg blaja agak payah sikit, korg knelaa jd gila2 jugak. ktorg time stdy week tu smpat lg pegi mandi air terjun dlu. hahahaha.

ape lg eh? nk tau kelebihan yg lain2 lagi? okay.. tgu kedatangn kami masuk nnt. nnt kami smua share. HAHA
ok.. dah dapat masuk sini jgn tolak, sbb nak msuk sini bukan senang. dapat tu, trus buat sujud syukur and buat psiapan nak masuk nnt. 

ok tu je nak kongsi stelah ak merapu panjang2 di atas tu.

see u again! =)

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Single? So what?

dear my beloved muslimah,
if u are still single, 
dont worry..

“ A woman is like a diamond
the less people see her
The more her value increases
And everyone wants to have her
Because she is so precious, so rare and so dear
but the more she shows her charm to people with no Hayaa (shyness)
The more her value decreases
The more she becomes cheap to them
There is a Japanese proverb:”the shyness of a woman is more attractive than her beauty”
And there is an Arabic proverb:”the crown of kings is made of gold and the real crown of a girl is her politeness/shyness”
And the best of all, in Islam Hayaa is the crown of a Muslimah’s good manners! ”


Wednesday, June 26, 2013

mahalnya nilai seorang UKHTI

guess what will be written to my post? YES, its all about love. ceewaah. hahahaha. 

today, we are having a good dinner with my family + grandma from father's side. while eating vigorously, i saw a very handsome man, and yet i'm saying,' wow, he's very nice'. hahaha. after a while, that man came to our table and spoke to my dad, and suprisingly, he was an engineer at father's place. but, when reaching home, i saw a post from one of the anonymous-es , wrote a post about SINGLE. haha. yes, and it came across my mind to share with you guys, if u are SINGLE, then, read this ukhti. if u are not, u can neglect this post, or grab some points positively :) hehehehe

that anonymous quoted a phrase where : 
' Masih single? Ada 2 sebab mengapa anda masih single.

1. Kerana anda memiliki hati yg bersih, jadi ALLAH tidak mahu anda dikecewakan sesiapa. Maka Dia membiarkan anda sendirian sehingga anda bertemu insan yg benar-benar sesuai.

2. Kerana anda memiliki hati yg tidak bersih, jadi ALLAH tidak mahu anda mengecewakan sesiapa. Maka dia sengaja membiarkan anda sendirian sehingga anda benar-benar menyucikan hati anda. '

THANKS A LOT ANONYMOUS-ES , a good reminder from Allah, SENT, when i was in a situation 'ntah ape2'. hahaha.
till see you again =)

Sunday, June 23, 2013

pesanan kepada insan berharga..

Wahai Muslimah,

Jika datang seseorang lelaki ajnabi berkata;

" Sejuk mata memandang....."
" Inilah ciri-ciri bakal isteri solehah....."

Itu bermaksud dia memandang kamu dengan nafsu syahwatnya kerana sepatutnya lelaki ajnabi harus menundukkan pandangan matanya dan lisannya terhadap mana-mana wanita.

Kamu harus berkata,
"Tundukkan pandangan mata tajam kamu, wahai akhi."

Atau diam lebih baik daripada membalas,
"Alhamdulillah. Terima kasih."

Kerana itu akan membuat lelaki ajnabi tersebut semakin 'menggatal' terhadap anda untuk memulakan berbalas-balas komen sehingga tidak sepatutnya.

Ya akhi, jika dia cantik, pujilah Allah dalam diam, bukan puji dia kerana Allah di hadapannya, dan bukan puji Allah kerana kecantikan ciptaan-Nya di hadapannya juga.

Allahu Robbi. 



Monday, April 15, 2013

holiday comes to an end

the new journey begins, where i should have a good spirit from home, 'keep moving, while u keep motivating'. yes, this semester seems like its hard to score, but nothing is easy in this world. right?

the first day of school, we started with assignments to be submitted on time, with the events that we need to give full commitments too. so, what i want to stress out here is, whatever happen, just reflect urself and leave to Allah, while thinking and working the best way u can solve them.

not to leave and give up.

so, BISMILLAHIR RAHMANIR RAHIM.. (in the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful)

lets go back to study !
see u then =)

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

interview with MREPC Scholarship

MREPC stands for Malaysian Rubber Exports and Promotion Council

first thing first, Alhamdulillah..i would say to Allah, the Most Gracious and Most Merciful for lending me the scholarship that i am holding right now...

trima kasih jugak buat kawan2 yg byk membantu, terutama yg introduce me to the mrepc page, the one that are writing my letter and the one that are checking my grammar through out the day..thanks to all my dear friends, yg support from the beginning til the end..and highly appreciated to my love (family) bcoz they spent their time and money for everythg..

let me tell u how the process is..

1st stage :

- diorg akan kol kte n email kte untuk agreement whether we would attend the interview session or not..
- once kte reply the email n confirmation di buat by call, then, kte akan dberi tempat dan mase untuk 1st interview tu...

- diorg akan bg kte questions, iaitu MCQ, multiple choice question. di dalam nye ade pelbagai soalan related to our course, for example engineering..dalam soalan tu ade physics, chemistry, n mcm2 lg..
*saat itu dimane ak mule pulun smua ilmu yg cg2 dlu penah ngaja since dah lame tgalkan subjek tsebut*

- then, for mcq question, about 30mins were allocated for us..but for me, they allocated 1 hour. haha. everybody got the different questions. so, no time to cheat la. hehe

- lepas tu, ade writing session, where another 30 mins allocated to us to write.

tajuk2 yg dberi, ade yg globally, ade yg critically...for example, mine got 5 questions.
seingt ak, ade tajuk yg related to sport, ade jugak kepada pandangan kte, yg ak jawab haritu, pasal science, technology yang mmbentuk kepada future..somethg that we have to compare dr segi pengajaran kat skolah mase tu, ape je yg terlintas, ak tulis jela..sbb time was running so I have to..

- tamatla sudah untuk 1st stage interview..

2nd stage :

- untuk second stage ni, ktorg dberitahu dalam 2 mgu selepas 1st stage interview.this is where the real interview starts.
- kali ni, ktorg ade 4 sesi, yg blaku slama 2 hari..stiap satu sesi ada 10 org camtu..ak dapat pd hari ke-2, pg. mase tu ktorg dberi waktu interview dan tempat menunggu. ak di panggil untuk ke blik interview pada pkul 1100 pg kerana interview tu akn bmula pd pkul 1130 pg.
dalam blik interview tu ade 4 org panel, smuanya berpangkat tgi dan berjawatan besar...and ade seorg international man came to it, to be one of the panels.
- interview starts from 1130 and ends with 1145..quite a long conversation wth them.
- interview for 2nd stage was done.

3rd stage :

- i thought there's no way of me to get the scholarship since we're compete hard enough to be at that stage..
one of the officers called me and told me that it was my last journey whether i was selected or not to be one of the scholarship recipients..
- it was a very surprise stage, where i need to talk in front of the crowds. i need to convince the crowds, why they need to choose me.
- yg jd crowds pd hari tu, ialah smua manager and company people from all the rubber companies in nak xnak, we have to.

and, lastly, they called me to come for signing the agreement and photo session day with mrepc's officers and the other companies.

tu je dr ak for this time..thank you to all again !

see u then =)