MREPC stands for Malaysian Rubber Exports and Promotion Council
first thing first, Alhamdulillah..i would say to Allah, the Most Gracious and Most Merciful for lending me the scholarship that i am holding right now...
trima kasih jugak buat kawan2 yg byk membantu, terutama yg introduce me to the mrepc page, the one that are writing my letter and the one that are checking my grammar through out the day..thanks to all my dear friends, yg support from the beginning til the end..and highly appreciated to my love (family) bcoz they spent their time and money for everythg..
let me tell u how the process is..
1st stage :
- diorg akan kol kte n email kte untuk agreement whether we would attend the interview session or not..
- once kte reply the email n confirmation di buat by call, then, kte akan dberi tempat dan mase untuk 1st interview tu...
- diorg akan bg kte questions, iaitu MCQ, multiple choice question. di dalam nye ade pelbagai soalan related to our course, for example engineering..dalam soalan tu ade physics, chemistry, n mcm2 lg..
*saat itu dimane ak mule pulun smua ilmu yg cg2 dlu penah ngaja since dah lame tgalkan subjek tsebut*
- then, for mcq question, about 30mins were allocated for us..but for me, they allocated 1 hour. haha. everybody got the different questions. so, no time to cheat la. hehe
- lepas tu, ade writing session, where another 30 mins allocated to us to write.
tajuk2 yg dberi, ade yg globally, ade yg critically...for example, mine got 5 questions.
seingt ak, ade tajuk yg related to sport, ade jugak kepada pandangan kte, yg ak jawab haritu, pasal science, technology yang mmbentuk kepada future..somethg that we have to compare dr segi pengajaran kat skolah mase tu, ape je yg terlintas, ak tulis jela..sbb time was running so I have to..
- tamatla sudah untuk 1st stage interview..
2nd stage :
- untuk second stage ni, ktorg dberitahu dalam 2 mgu selepas 1st stage interview.this is where the real interview starts.
- kali ni, ktorg ade 4 sesi, yg blaku slama 2 hari..stiap satu sesi ada 10 org camtu..ak dapat pd hari ke-2, pg. mase tu ktorg dberi waktu interview dan tempat menunggu. ak di panggil untuk ke blik interview pada pkul 1100 pg kerana interview tu akn bmula pd pkul 1130 pg.
dalam blik interview tu ade 4 org panel, smuanya berpangkat tgi dan berjawatan besar...and ade seorg international man came to it, to be one of the panels.
- interview starts from 1130 and ends with 1145..quite a long conversation wth them.
- interview for 2nd stage was done.
3rd stage :- i thought there's no way of me to get the scholarship since we're compete hard enough to be at that stage..
one of the officers called me and told me that it was my last journey whether i was selected or not to be one of the scholarship recipients..
- it was a very surprise stage, where i need to talk in front of the crowds. i need to convince the crowds, why they need to choose me.
- yg jd crowds pd hari tu, ialah smua manager and company people from all the rubber companies in nak xnak, we have to.
and, lastly, they called me to come for signing the agreement and photo session day with mrepc's officers and the other companies.
tu je dr ak for this time..thank you to all again !
see u then =)